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Traffic Jam - A Website's Ultimate Purpose in 2014

Updated on April 14, 2024
Posted on January 5, 2014 by Michael White


Traffic Jam- A Website's Ultimate Purpose in 2014

The day you longed for has arrived. After hours of planning, decision-making, and labor, your custom website has gone live. You’ve thanked your top web design firm for their awesomeness, and you can’t get enough of your new digital calling card. About 77 percent of the U.S. population are Internet users and e-commerce sales in 2010 totaled $165.4 billion.

But hits at the site are at a minimal. If this trend continues, your custom website is as good as dead, and so is your business. But hey, at least you’ve got a website.

You need that thing you dread while driving: traffic. And not just any old comings and goings, but that downtown-rush-hour kind of jam. How can your custom website achieve this most desirable of results?

Create Quality Content

Drivers flock to downtown for something out of the ordinary. You too must give your viewers something they can only get at your site: quality content specific to your product or service. This is the number one most effective way to increase website traffic. Insure your website has high-caliber content by:

  • Posting quality blogs with keywords and backlinks, and post frequently. This content must be of high quality, or else visitors will make a u-turn.
  • Creating a meta title rich with keywords and phrases, ideally at the beginning of the title.
  • Creating a meta description with a unique selling proposition, which includes a call to action.

Images are considered content too, so make sure they are clear and sharp. Remember, just like downtown, the more good reasons to come to your site, the more traffic.

Boost Your Content

Since you are driving this train, you need to promote your website’s content. Like searchlights sweeping the sky, let potential viewers know where you are by doing some:

  • Social Media Marketing -- An effective way to increase traffic, posting daily on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc… will attract viewership. If your budget permits, hire a social media manager, who can also track optimal posting times and respond to comments.
  • Social Networking -- Find other businesses similar but not exactly like yours who might be interested in promoting your content if you promote theirs. Take advantage of the specific benefits of B2B.
  • Paid Media -- Buy some traffic, usually for relatively low prices.

Analyze Your Results

As the saying goes, measure it or forget it. Calculating your results is imperative to increasing website traffic, ROI, and maximizing the click through rate of your title. Use services like Google Analytics to see what works and what doesn’t.

You might feel inclined to blame low flow on the top web design firm, but even that won’t bring the commerce transactions your business needs, so get busy bringing on that traffic jam.

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