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3 Must-Haves for Your Website

Updated on July 22, 2024
Posted on March 20, 2014 by Michael White


3 Must-Haves for Your Website

When you review your website traffic data, do you feel

(a) Ecstatic

(b) Satisfied

(c) Disappointed

(d) Frustrated

If you answered (a), your site probably has an entertaining explainer video, a strong value proposition, and a clear call to action. These are “must-haves” for every website in 2014 because they show how your product solves customers’ problems, demonstrate why you are a better choice than your competitors, and motivate potential customers to take that next step.

Explainer videos increase conversion rates

Show how your product or service improves customers’ lives with an explainer video. This quick, memorable format explains how you will solve the viewers’ problems. Companies using explainer videos have seen their conversion rates increase by at least 20%. Explainer videos are dynamic, entertaining, and easy to share. They also keep visitors on your page. Explainer videos run about two or three minutes—if a visitor watches even half the video, that is longer than the average person spends on a text-only web page. End the video with a clear call to action and watch your conversion rates increase.

Value propositions answer “why you?”

Why are you the best person to solve your customers’ problems? Your value prop explains why you are uniquely positioned to fulfill your customers’ needs. Visitors to your website need to quickly understand the value that you bring, how you differ from your competitors, and why you are the best choice. Make your value proposition concise and persuasive, and convey your company’s personality. Frame your value proposition so readers immediately see why your service is exactly what they need to fix their biggest headaches.

Calls to action start relationships

What do your visitors do on your website? How long do they stay and what pages do they leave from? You have only a few seconds to motivate a visitor to do something. Successful calls to action often ask for a low commitment from the visitor. Instead of asking for a sale right away, ask to start a relationship. Make your request direct and obvious. Your call to action needs to be visible and it needs to inspire action:

  • Learn more
  • Get a quote
  • Get your free estimate now
  • Download your free copy of 11 tips for inspiring explainer videos

Target your call to action to the goals of your website—do you want to expand your mailing list, generate leads, engage social media followers? A focused call to action on every page will help you accomplish your goals.



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