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Is 2014 the Year for a Website Redesign?

Updated on July 22, 2024
Posted on February 11, 2014 by Michael White



Is 2014 the Year for a Website Redesign?

A website that is years old is not an effective business and marketing tool for any company. Periodically, it is necessary to consider redesigning your site for a more modern look. With all the changes taking place in website design and social media, 2014 may be just the year to consider a website redesign. This is not just a to-do activity, but something that can make a big difference to your profit line.

Signs That Your Website Needs Refreshing

Website technology keeps changing, and you need to follow the trends to keep your website relevant and appealing. If you fail to understand new trends, your website will begin to pay the price. It is time for a website redesign if any of the following are true of your current site:

  1. It is over three years old. A website’s lifespan is usually between two to three years.
  2. The website does not get the types of hits it used to. You need to revamp not only your marketing strategies, but also the look of your website.
  3. It fails to attract the visitors you want and bring in business. Using website analytics is a good way to measure factors such as hits, the length of time visitors spend on your pages, and how they click through to other pages.

Why a Website Redesign is Necessary

A website redesign is in your future for many reasons. Apart from improving the look of your site and making it more professional, other motivations for giving your website a facelift include:

  • Making it Mobile Friendly -- To be effective, your website should be accessible to the roughly one-billion Smartphone users in the world who are accessing online services using their phones.
  • Making it More User-Friendly -- A website that is too clunky and unattractive will drive visitors away. Test your site to ensure that it is easy to use and navigate. Visitors should not feel like they are in a maze when they are on your website.
  • Rebranding -- Sometimes your business focus changes or your business starts offering something new. When this happens, it is necessary to take your website into a new arena so that it truly represents your brand.
  • Adding or Improving Social Media Interaction -- Statistics indicate that social media is the marketing trend of the future. Now is a good time to jazz up your website to capitalize on this.

A website redesign project can be an expensive and time-consuming endeavor. However, the reward is worth the time and cost. A current, attractive website is a great marketing tool.

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