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How Social Media & Blogging Work Together to Boost Business

Updated on July 22, 2024
Posted on July 19, 2017 by Janice Wood

How Social Media & Blogging Work Together to Boost Business

Social media and blogging are two aspects of digital marketing that used to be separate – even competing – processes. The logic was that the fast-paced nature of social media marketing was inconsistent with the thoughtful, long-term approach offered by content marketing.

However, as the current state of digital marketing suggests, this approach was flawed. Social media and blogging have become integrated to the point where both can be easily coordinated to accelerate business growth.


The Content Connection

Like two wings of a plane, social media and blogging support each other and keep your digital craft moving forward. Consider how these two work in tandem:

  • Blogging allows you to dig deep into your industry. You can address customer pain points, demonstrate your expertise, and fill out your content library with plenty of opportunities for SEO.
  • Social media, on the other hand, involves entering the public arena and promoting the heck out of the content you just created. It serves other purposes too, but its primary value is in the number of eyes waiting for something to see.

With this in mind, it’s not a stretch to imagine how the two can be jointly used to support business growth. Every social media post you make should promote a valuable piece of content or idea that connects back to your page. Every click-through sends users to your content hub—one step closer to your email subscription list, CTA, and other entry points of your marketing funnel.

The connection between social media, blogging, and lead generation is clear, but marketers can empower these strategies even further by following a few simple ideas:

  • Prioritize Your Key Channels: With so many social media channels out there, carefully consider which ones are best for your business. Sure, sites like Facebook or Twitter might be a given, but look beyond the biggest names and examine the preference of your market. LinkedIn, Pinterest, or even Snapchat might be viable options, depending on who you’re trying to reach.
  • Stretch Your Content Farther: While it might sound strange, consider repeating your promotional tweets at various times during the day. Twitter moves fast, and many followers will miss your updates when you post sparingly. This technique costs you nothing and allows you to get more bang for your buck from your content production.
  • Use Visuals to Support: Social media is fast-paced and highly visual. Make sure each promotional post contains an image to catch readers’ eyes.
  • Make It Easy to Share: Include social sharing buttons on all content you post. The real money in the social media and blogging relationships doesn’t come from posting your own content but, rather, getting others to do it for you. Every time somebody shares your content, you gain exposure to hundreds of untapped viewers. Make it easy for them to share and monitor these sharing metrics over time.

Social Media and Blogging

Social media and blogging work so well together that at this point, it’s hard to imagine any marketing scenario in which they aren’t combined. Social media supports your content. Your content supports your brand and is the gateway to increased conversions. From lead generation to content promotion to brand visibility, social media and blogging go hand in hand.


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