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5 Methods for Building Impossible-to-Ignore Landing Pages

Updated on July 22, 2024
Posted on January 15, 2018 by Brent Wildman

5 Methods for Building Impossible to Ignore Landing Pages

Landing pages are a tested, measured and proven strategy to convert visitors you're driving to your website. So why aren't more companies using them? We find that a lot of businesses market on social media, their website and PPC campaigns and drive all of those visitors to the same page – or worse, the homepage of their website. 


These businesses are missing out on a valuable opportunity to slice and dice their marketing materials by buyer persona, the backbone of inbound marketing, which costs 62% LESS than outbound marketing. 


So, bottom line: you should be building impossible-to-ignore landing pages. Here's how.


1. Focus Each Page

Each of your landing pages should have a specific purpose with a unique message. So many companies are trying to achieve multiple goals at the same time. That's not the way marketing works. Not effective marketing, anyway. 

They offer fields to collect personal information, links to other landing pages and pop-up chat windows to speak to customer service reps. Ditch this clutter and focus each page by including one specific value proposition and one specific way for the user to achieve it.


2. Track Your Traffic

As part of focusing each page, make sure that you have dedicated landing pages for each traffic sourceemail marketing campaigns, social media, PPC campaigns, banner ads and organic traffic. Keep every page focused and related to where and what you're advertising. It also provides insight into which channels are driving the bulk of your website traffic (and makes it so much easier to track). This, in turn, will help you understand how to focus future efforts to increase conversion rates on your most popular channels.  


3. Be Strategic with Information Requests

Marketers get so caught up in the debate between whether websites should remove fields or add fields for information requests that they neglect how they’re requesting this information.

Companies often err on the minimal and ask for only the most basic information (name, email or phone number) or they give their content away without asking for anything. We have 2 general feelings on the matter.

1. Sometimes, it's okay to give your content away. If it's very basic, awareness level content for your buyer persona. If the content is great, they'll come back and give you their information next time. 


2. Consideration stage and Decision stage content should be gated. Those leads are far enough along in the buyer journey and it is okay to ask them for their contact info, job function and what solution they're seeking. Let them qualify themselves. Remember, not only are personas deciding whether or not to work with you – as a business, you should be deciding whether or not you want to work with them.


4. Don’t Neglect Video

Video content can improve just about any aspect of your digital marketing, and your landing pages are no exception. In a landing page optimization study, Unbounce found that adding a video to its landing page increased conversion rates by 100 percent. Enough said.


5. Let Your Customers Be Your Proof

Social proof lives on the landing page. Rather than trying to further sell prospects with more marketing copy, include customer testimonials, glowing social media reviews, or snippets from interviews that provide assurance from a third-party. Social proof is a great way to bust last minute resistance, so reach out to your satisfied clients and see what pearls they can offer.


They’ll Vote With Their Actions

Remember, all best practices are just that—practices. Use the above information as your guide but let your customers make the final call. Keep tabs on how they interact with your landing page and they’ll show you which elements will resonate with them. You should be A/B testing everything if you're still new to inbound marketing. 


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