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10 Startups to Watch in 2014

Updated on July 22, 2024
Posted on January 22, 2014 by Michael White

2014 calls for an entirely new generation of smart applications that will infiltrate the travel, dating, news, and personal finance industries. Using data driven trends and current social media markets and profiles, the following list of startups to watch in 2014 are sure to overcome multiple hurdles this year and beyond.

1. Flipboard has been around for a few years as one of the most downloaded mobile news applications. In 2013, it added the ability for their users to create their own magazines on thousands of different topics and interests. Then they broke into the e-commerce world by adding "catalogs" or "shoppable magazines" to their user friendly platform.

2. Uber - Although Uber has had it's fair share of rough times, their rise to the top and $200 million investment from Google Ventures won't stop them from challenging the taxi industry. There have been rumors about Uber tackling the same day delivery service, int this case Amazon is there next victim.

3. Routehappy is a startup out of New York that combines a flight comparison tool with an experience comparison platform. Users can compare hundreds flights based on times, price, leg room, snacks and more.

4. Smart Things launched out of Washington DC with the mission to make the various machinery or "things" around your home "smart". Ultimately this is where we are headed in the future.

5. Lulu another dating related app gives women the ability to rate and review men in their Facebook social networks and beyond. It has become very popular among college students and twenty-somethings, although it has been somewhat controversial.

6. Circa is a news application dedicated to giving it's users the "smartest" news with links to locations, related articles, etc.

7. Coin took the idea of google wallet and brought it to live on a tangible card. Add all your credit and debit cards to this beauty and you will no longer have to worry about carrying around a heavy, bulky wallet. If you happen to misplace it, it will automatically deactivate when it is separated from your mobile phone.

8. Trevolta launched this January with thousands on it's waiting list. It's a crowdfunding travel service in which any member can donate to any posted trip.

9. Tinder is a dating app that exploded this past year. You can swipe through singles in your area - left for no and right for yes. Many dates and relationships have come out of this app. If you both swipe yes, you can chat with the other person. With one and five relationships starting online, Tinder is the leading dating app of the Millennial generation.

10. Lyft is a competitor to Uber championed by the same ride-sharing concept with cheaper pricing and the option to below the suggested fare. They are fighting the same legal battles as Uber but we doubt that people will suddenly stop using it. They also don't employ surge pricing which is something that many Uber customers have complained about.

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