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Increase Your Website Conversion Through Storytelling

Updated on September 9, 2024
Posted on March 15, 2021 by Carl Widdowson

If you want to increase your website conversion through storytelling, read here - people fitting puzzle pieces together

These days, it takes more than a slick, gorgeous website to drive conversions. If you think that all you need to convert prospects is polished web design, it’s time to rethink this notion. Along with a site that functions and is easy to navigate, customers want to know who you are as a business. They want to know your backstory. The art of storytelling is a marketing method that creates affinity with your brand.



What is Storytelling?

Stories share a message, and everyone likes a good story. Your brand’s story is a content marketing strategy that positions your business as a thought leader and a trusted source in the topics you cover. And you’re not limited to storytelling through print. Audio and visual content can further bring your brand ethos to life and provide relevance to your target market.

If you’re skeptical, consider that evidence supports the theory that a good story boosts conversions. According to statistics, properly crafted content can improve your conversion rates by as much as 30%. Even B2B sectors experience a boost when they incorporate content marketing. So, how can you leverage the power of storytelling to boost your bottom line?


Think About Your Brand

Learn how to increase your website conversion rates using these tips - People circle at a table, think about brand

Storytelling is about relevance. Blog posts about random topics or high-ranking keywords won’t cut it when it comes to storytelling. A beauty brand wouldn’t write about sustainable water best practices unless water is a key ingredient in their products. Think about these questions:

  • What is your business’s core USP or KPI
  • Who is your target audience?
  • Which medium is the best approach?
  • How you can amplify your message?


Be Authentic

Today’s consumers pick brands the same way they pick friends. They want to know that they’re giving their hard-earned money to a brand that’s trustworthy and shares similar values. Cold, impersonal approaches to crafting copy aren’t going to work. Instead, it’s time to humanize your brand so that people have a positive, visceral reaction to it.

Your story must be relatable and authentic. Regardless of whether you choose to write articles or make short videos, if you have an interesting backstory, now’s the time to include it. And rather than simply telling your origin story, weave it with context and tie it into an overarching topic so that it’s relevant.


Research Your Audience

Just like inbound marketing, you'll increase your website conversions when you speak to your prospects' common stories and pain points.

Know your customer profiles. This can go a long way to target the right topics for storytelling. If you’re a beauty brand that focuses on clean beauty, then discussing sustainability is a natural segue. Customers interested in clean beauty prioritize their money toward sustainable business practices. Discuss topics that are relevant to their concerns in order to position your brand as being in line with their moral compasses. The next time they need a good or service that you provide, your business will be top of mind.


Be Honest

This might seem similar to being authentic, but it’s slightly different. For example, if your business sells fair trade coffee, there’s a good chance that your products are more expensive than mass coffee brands.

Authenticity says that your products are fair trade. Honesty is admitting that your products come at a higher price. Your story states that your products are more expensive because you source only fair trade items to ensure that laborers earn a living wage. The result is an emphasis on premium sourced products that ensure ethical labor and business practices — which can be incredibly attractive to the right customer.


Be a Problem Solver

How to increase your website conversions - problem solve for your prospects in your storytelling. Analyst touches transparent 'pain points'.

Storytelling can position your business or brand as a thought leader whose experience who can be trusted. Depending on your business, think about the kinds of problems your target market typically faces. Then make sure you have a product or service that alleviates those pain points. This ties back to relevance because you’re now directing people back to the core portion of your website that explains how your goods or services could benefit them. Be sure to link back to product or service pages in this type of content strategy for optimal results.


Match the Medium to Your Target Audience

These days, you can tell a story through text, visuals, or a combination of the two. The choice depends on your target audience and the method that is most effective to broadcast your message. In some cases, text-only storytelling might make the most sense if you’re trying to cover in-depth technical topics. And of course, textual content gives you plenty of opportunities to leverage SEO through keyword integration.

But if you know that your target audience responds best to visuals or video content, then using visual story telling will be more effective. Since people are visual creatures, even textual storytelling should incorporate visuals to break up long blocks of words and provide quick recaps of the major points. Plus, visual content tends to get shared more frequently. Just keep in mind that video content should be short to accommodate shorter attention spans. And this will allow you to create a visual storytelling series.



The Path to Building a Brand

In this millennium, consumers want to know who they’re buying from, and they expect a level of transparency never seen before. Storytelling is your opportunity to create a persona for your brand and to connect with consumers in a meaningful way. Therefore, content development is crucial to your marketing strategy. It’s ideal if you have an in-house content team. But if this isn’t part of your key business tasks, The Creative Momentum can develop an effective content strategy to complement and support your business goals.


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