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Best Practices for Getting Noticed In 2017’s Social Media

Updated on July 22, 2024
Posted on July 6, 2017 by Janice Wood

Best Practices for Getting Noticed in 2017's Social Media

Anybody who logged into Facebook this week probably saw one of those patented pop-up windows appear in their news feeds: The Social Network, at long last, has exceeded 2 billion users. That’s over 25 percent of the world’s population. And given that Facebook was already on the edge of this benchmark back in Q1 of this year, this isn’t too surprising. Social media growth across all channels is showing no signs of slowing, and brands hoping to make an impact on this vast market had better know their stuff.


1. Leverage Influencer Marketing

As competition for paid ads increases, ad-blocker use becomes the norm, and users become closed off to traditional marketing strategies, partnerships with media influencers will become a cornerstone way to get your message out there. Surveys on influencer marketing reveal that when done correctly, businesses make $6.50 for every $1 spent on influencer marketing. However, finding the right social media influencer was the top challenge facing marketers. Connecting with social media influencers is a long process. Get started as soon as possible.


2. Outsource Content Curation

There’s plenty of great content out of there. Why break your back writing it all yourself? While homegrown content demonstrates thought leadership in your field, there’s no harm in curating other worthwhile posts and sharing them with your social media followers. Sites like Feedly are great for this type of thing. Plus, cross-posting other people’s content may provide the opportunity to build connections with them and create future guest posts—a great way to expand your outreach and build valuable SEO-driving links to your page.


3. Automate the Busywork

Automation is king in 2017. When 92 percent of small businesses without automation lose money because of it, you know a trend is underway. Automated tools offered by Hubspot, Marketo, or even sites like IFTTT can help increase the rate of your marketing tactics when they don't require human input. These may include cross-posting across various channels, tracking brand mentions, or curating new content through third-party data gathering tools, as noted above.


4. Use the News

Did you know that 62 percent of U.S. adults get their daily news updates from social media? Thanks to additions like Google Trends or Facebook’s Trending Topics, it’s easier than ever for users to stay up to date while socializing on their favorite platforms.

Use this trend to your advantage—monitor which news stories are making waves and which hashtags are gathering momentum. Contribute to the discussion on your brand page to tap into the fast-moving tides of breaking news. Making the right post at the right time could up your exposure to thousands of users who may have never heard of you.


Social Media in 2017

Social media is fast-moving and quick to change. The best practices of yesterday are already out of date, making it absolutely essential that your brand stay ahead of the curve. This is the best way to get noticed on social media—not by following the trends and keeping up, but proactively looking ahead and blazing trails for others to follow.


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