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Using Financial UI/UX Web Design to Generate More Leads

Posted on July 1, 2024 by Michael White


uiux web design


If you find that your financial website has lackluster performance, it might be time to take a look at your design to see if it’s optimized for the user’s experience and if the user interface works for your website visitors. UI/UX design is important in web design for all industries, but it is becoming increasingly preferred in the financial industry due to the benefits it provides, including generating more leads.

What is UX?

UX design refers to the user’s (your website visitor) experience from their first click to their last. UX design takes into account functionality, from responsive design to parallax scrolling and everything in between. UX makes the user’s overall experience better, but it’s not necessarily focused on aesthetics. UX design is a common trend and it is often combined with user interface or UI design. A UI/UX design strategy is a powerhouse combination that makes using your website a pleasant and enjoyable, error-free, and easy-to-use experience.

What is UI?

You might be familiar with UX, but UI may be somewhat of an enigma. UI design refers to the user interface, and ultimately, it refers to the aesthetic functionality of the site and how well human users enjoy interacting with your site. Use colors that are synonymous with your brand. Are there buttons to click and is the typography pleasing to the eye? These are examples of UI. 

How Does UI/UX Design Work?

Now that you know the definitions of UI/UX design, you may be wondering what the characteristics of these features are on a website. While there are a number of features in UI/UX design, simplicity, consistency, and responsiveness are at the top for design in any industry, especially in the financial industry. 

Simple Interface

A simple interface is both easy to use and aesthetically pleasing, making it a good-looking style choice that also functions very well. UI/UX designs often utilize a fresh, clean design because of its timeless appeal. It also makes it difficult for users to be confused or lost in your site, which adds to a positive overall experience. People may be intimidated by numbers and financial tools as it is, so having a clean and simple interface will help put prospective customers at ease.

Keep it Consistent

When you have familiar, consistent UI/UX design features on your website, it will be easier to use and users will be happy. For example, you don’t want your navigation to move. Make it familiar so users aren’t confused. Don’t clutter up your design with a ton of different design elements, and maintain continuity with font and other style choices. Keep it simple and aesthetically pleasing, and users will be happy.

responsive web design atlanta

Responsive Design

Responsive design means that your design will be optimized for viewing on whatever device it has been accessed. Google actually prioritizes responsively designed websites because they are the easiest to implement and maintain. While this is a UX design feature, it’s a must-have in any website designed to generate leads because it improves accessibility on all devices. 

How Does UI/UX Design Generate Leads for the Financial Industry?

When considering website design specifically for the financial industry, you would be wise to look at a UI/UX approach. One of the main factors impacting the rise of UI/UX design in the financial industry is that the financial industry as a whole is becoming more customer-centered. Personalized wealth management and self-investing platforms are becoming must-haves for banks and financial institutions because customers demand it. Having a customer-centered website only makes sense to meet the demands of customers of the financial industry.

Personalized Service and Customer Engagement

The financial industry is trending more towards personal service. Think about the rise of Zelle and Venmo — nearly every aspect of financial services is becoming more customer-centric. It only makes sense to implement UI/UX design, which is completely geared toward creating the best possible experience functionally and aesthetically for the customer. When your website is easy to use, makes it easy to connect, and showcases the level of customer service your institution provides, customers are going to be more likely to fill out forms on your site, contact you via your site, or even start an account through your site. All of these lead-generating actions come from solid UI/UX design.

Establish Trust

In this day and age, people question the capabilities, trustworthiness, and longevity of a company that does not invest in its online presence. While actual website security is a must-have in the financial sector, incorporating a UI/UX design will establish trust and confidence, making users enjoy browsing your website and more apt to fill out forms, thus generating more leads.

Ease of Use

Point blank: if your website is difficult to use, you’re not going to generate any leads. That’s where UI/UX design comes into play. Too many in the financial industry thought that simply having a trustworthy brand would be enough. The reality, especially for fintech, is that successful companies have to be trustworthy, easy to use, and smartly designed for users to trust them and want to take action. It is that action that creates leads.

web ui design

Implement Mobile-First UI/UX Design

When considering the UI/UX design strategy for your financial website, you’ll want your designer to implement a mobile-first UI/UX design. This means that the website will be optimized for mobile, which is how most users are accessing websites. Additionally, if users are visiting your website on a desktop or tablet, they will have a good experience there, too. If your site doesn’t crash, loads quickly, and is easy to access no matter what device a customer is using, you will be more likely to generate leads.


Update Your Financial Website With Financial UI/UX Design 

If you’re ready to move forward with updating your financial website with UI/UX design, contact us at The Creative Momentum to get your business moving in the right direction. We’ll take a look at your current website and meet with you to understand your goals for a new website. From there, our designers will develop a strategy and a plan to execute it. Request a quote for your new financial UI/UX Design today!

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