There are plenty of web development blogs out there to love. But with so many options, it can be tricky to know where to start reading.
There are hundreds of links to sift through. Decision paralysis sets in. Blogs start blending together. It’s getting hard to breathe. THE WALLS ARE CLOSING IN!
We order you to calm down. While it’s true that you could spend the better part of your life digging through all the content available on the web, we’ve done some of the work for you and compiled a list of our favorite development blogs for your education and enjoyment.
1. Smashing Magazine
Those of us in the web development world need no introduction to Smashing Magazine. Founded in 2006 as a publisher of eBooks and other front-end web development resources, SM has enough educational resources to last you until the singularity. Sure, some of the more advanced resources can be pricey, but there’s more than enough free editorial content on coding infrastructure, web design, and mobile integration to make a visit worth your while.
2. CSS Tricks
What sets CSS Tricks apart is its fusion of in-depth CSS coding tips and other industry resources. Sure, browsing their articles can give you great insights on web development, CSS custom properties, and integration strategies for Javascript and HTML, but the benefits don’t stop there. Their homepage also features a job selection tool, user forums for troubleshooting, and even a snippet repository where you can snag some code. For fans of CSS, this one’s a must see.
3. 2ality
On 2ality, Dr. Alex Rauschmayer gets down and dirty with comprehensive discussions about the fine art of Javascript. The blog started back in 2005 and has featured fairly consistent updates since—making it a great resource with years of value to share.
However, we’re compelled to offer you a quick PSA: Dr. Rauschmayer doesn’t pull punches or skip on the industry jargon. He’s a certified expert in Javascript and the articles he writes reflect that. It’s not the most accessible blog on this list, but for developers looking to expand their knowledge of the foundation and evolution of Javascript, there’s nothing better.
4. Social Media Site Blogs
We’re cheating a bit with this one. While not a singular site, both site owners and developers alike have plenty to learn from visiting the development blogs of the social titans that own the social media world.
We’re talking Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter—each page offers valuable insights into what updates are underway and how developers can better integrate these social channels into their own pages. The information ranges from the general to the intricate, making these blogs ideal for both the layperson and the industry expert.
5. The Daily WTF
This one is fun. The Daily WTF isn’t your typical design blog—it’s a resource that offers a series of cautionary tales about the perils of poor website development. From editorial content to user-submitted horror stories about site owners who were led astray by discount developers, there’s no better blend of humor and development insight out there.
The Best Development Blogs
There are as many web development blogs out there as there are stars in the sky. Even those of us with terminal web development obsessions can’t read them all. But whether you’re looking for fast tips from a quick read or a comprehensive review that you can put to work in your own business, this list will give you a good place to start.
Feel free to share your favorite ones below!