Web Design & Digital Marketing Blog : The Creative Momentum

Why User Experience Matters

Written by Matt Stewart | January 31, 2018

The user experience (UX) matters because it’s directly tied to how users perceive your site. If they have a poor UX while browsing your page, it’s unlikely they’ll stay long, recommend others to the site, or sign up for your marketing materials. In fact, research shows that 88 percent of your customers won’t give you another chance after a bad experience.

Our individual preferences play a big role in the sites we frequent, so building an effective UX strategy might seem overwhelming. But in our experience, we’ve found that a quality UX can be summarized with three ideas:

  • Simplicity
  • Clarity
  • Consistency

Simple Design

We suggest designers take a “less is more” approach to their UX design. Simple layouts and straightforward designs are all you need to delight your viewers. The benefits of a minimalist approach are most obvious in how retailers create positive shopping experiences: Product details are clear, prices are transparent, and customers should be able to add or remove items from their carts as easily as possible. And when they’re near the point of purchase, they should be able to review their order without excessive navigation from page to page.

Regardless of how it’s done, the goal is the same: Don’t bog down visitors in unnecessary details. 

Clear Direction

A positive UX relies on users having clear directions and paths towards the website’s goals. In 2018, this means leveraging motion-based appeals: Animations, interactions, and videos that create an intuitive narrative path for each viewer.

After users arrive at your homepage, use video to point out the locations of additional resources where they can learn more about their issues. Once they go there, provide instructions on where they should go next to receive more details, and if applicable, where they can go to sign up for your mailing lists.

Clear navigation applies to the structure of your menus as well. The best UX comes from clear navigational elements that don’t require investigation to understand. Simplify each menu display (by getting rid of your out-of-date hamburger menus, for example) and make the value proposition of each page clear. Show them the way, and they’ll follow. 

Page-to-Page Consistency

How can you expect your users to have a quality UX if your site isn’t consistent? A positive UX is about effortless browsing, which means you can’t leave viewers guessing when moving from page to page. Select a theme for your content layout, color choices, and typography, and stick with it across every page. This applies to navigational elements too; if you feature a master navigation bar at the top of your homepage, include that bar on the rest of your pages (landing pages being an obvious exception). Consistency across your site builds comfort and trust with viewers. 

It Matters to you Because it Matters to Them

Positive UXs are all about your customers, but really, they’re just as important for website owners. A good UX can be a powerful thing that makes on-site decisions a no-brainer. Just remember to keep things simple, clear, and consistent—the results will come on their own.